Bank Mandiri Bank Terbaik di Indonesia biayai produksi kapal cepat rudal

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Bank Mandiri Bank Terbaik di Indonesia biayai produksi kapal cepat rudal - Bank Mandiri to finance the construction of warships return type of missile fast boats made ​​in the country. Shipbuilding third is to strengthen the Main Tool Armament Systems (defense equipment) nationwide.

For that, Mandiri loans amounting to Rp 42.14 billion to PT Palindo Marine form of working capital loans (KMK) Rp 22.67 billion and Rp 19.47 billion in bank guarantees for the construction of warships dirk - 643.

Inauguration of fast missile boats, warships dirk - 643 was made by the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Indonesia, Purnomo Yusgiantoro at Pier Batu Ampar, Batam on Friday (01/25/2013) in the presence of the TNI Commander Admiral Agus Suhartono, Chief of Navy Staff Admiral Marsetio, National Police Chief Gen. Timur Pradopo, Deputy Managing Director of Bank Mandiri President Director of PT Riswinandi and Palindo Marine, Harmanto.

Earlier, Bank Mandiri has disbursed Rp 65.97 billion in financing to build two fast ships first and second missile production in the country, namely KRI KRI sickles and PKC. Vice President Director of Bank Mandiri Bank Mandiri Riswinandi said to continue to support the national strategic industry in developing technology defense equipment thereby creating the nation's independence in strengthening national sovereignty.

"We are proud of the ability of the sons of the nation in PT Palindo Marine who has produced a fast ship missiles third domestically. To that end, we have also committed to the construction of the four fast missile boats," said Riswinandi.

Overall, Riswinandi explained, Bank Mandiri channel financing of Rp 162.51 billion to help PT Palindo Marine to build four fast missile boats. Of this amount, U.S. $ 85.57 billion, a working capital loan (KMK), while Rp 76.94 billion, is a bank guarantee facility.

Riswinandi added, to date, the Bank has channeled more funding for defense equipment from Rp 1.18 trillion, which is distributed to a number of strategic industries, such as PT Pindad and PT Dok Kodja Bahari.

"Channeling the financing for the construction of missile fast boats is one of the Bank's commitment to support the procurement of defense equipment. With this success, we can show the world that Indonesia has been able to build and develop self-defense equipment in the country," he added.

Quick Ship Missile (KCR) KRI dirk - 643 built by PT Palindo Marine, Tanjunguncang - Batam. Ships hitter rapid reaction which has a length of 43 meters, width of 7.40 meters and weighs 250 tons and is able to drive up to the speed of 27 knots is completely done the children of Indonesia. Most of the material warship was in production in the country. Inauguration KCR ship is made ​​of steel-aluminum begins marking the history of the shipping industry in Indonesia.

KRI dirk - 643 system equipped with modern weaponry (Sewaco / Sensor Weapon Control), including six-barreled 30mm cannon caliber as melee combat system (CIWS) and missiles 2 sets of C-705 missile. KCR hull parts are made of special steel called High Tensile Steel. Steel is obtained from PT Krakatau Steel. Ships with fixed propeller propulsion system is also equipped with five leaves two units of 20 mm caliber machine guns on the bridge.